Sexual disease examination and treatment

Sakae Clinic for STD testing and treatment in Nagoya

Skin care STD testing and treatment
Sexual disease examination and treatment
Sexually transmitted disease
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) is a disease that is transmitted through sexual activity including sex. It used to be called “sexually transmitted disease” until a long time ago, but now it is called “sexually transmitted disease” or “STD” (an acronym for “Sexually Transmitted Diseases”) due to a revision of the law. It was.
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Inspection time About 5 minutes
Going to hospital We will tell you about the test results in 1 weeks.
Basic venereal disease test 30,000
*Includes initial examination fee and re-examination fee
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV
General blood tests such as liver function, kidney function, anemia, leukocyte fraction
Total sexually transmitted disease test 79,000
*Includes initial examination fee and re-examination fee
Test items: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia urethritis, Pharyngeal gonococcus, Chlamydia pharynx, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Simple herpes, HIV, Trichomonas
General blood tests such as liver function, kidney function, anemia, leukocyte fraction
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, trichomonas test 10,000
11,000/1 item each
*Initial consultation fee 10,000 (11,000)
Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma test 15,000
*Initial consultation fee 10,000 (11,000)
Treatment costs 3,000~20,000
*The unit is ¥.
*Test results will be provided at a later date.
* Transportation expenses (by public transportation) and treatment expenses are fully deducted from medical expenses.
*Treatment is free medical treatment (not covered by insurance).
Gonorrhea (gonococcal urethritis)
After an incubation period of 3 to 7 days from the time of infection, painful urination and discharge of pus from the urethra occur.In men, symptoms often appear 2 to 5 days after exposure, but symptoms may not appear until 30 days later. [Male] - Feeling slight itching and warmth in the urethra.- Yellowish pus discharges from the urethra.-Feeling strong pain when urinating.If left untreated, it can cause frequent urination, difficulty urinating, and bleeding at the end of urination, and may even spread to the prostate and epididymis, leading to infertility. [Female] - Symptoms such as painful urination and frequent urination may be so mild that the patient may not notice it.If left untreated, the infection will progress to the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic infection and infertility.・Increased vaginal discharge.Pharyngeal gonorrhea is said to be transmitted to the pharynx (throat) through oral sex.When the gonorrhea bacteria (Nisseria gonorrhoeae) infects the throat, symptoms such as swelling, pain, and fever may occur in the throat, but there may also be no symptoms.Treatment for gonococcal infection, regardless of whether it affects the urethra or pharynx, can be completed with one week of oral antibiotics or one intravenous drip.Oral medications may be ineffective in cases where there is a possibility of infection with resistant bacteria, and in this case, intravenous treatment is performed.
This can be determined by a blood test.The test does not become positive until three weeks after infection.
Stage 1 (from 3 weeks after infection) - Painless red lumps the size of azuki beans or peas appear on infected areas such as the genitals, anus, and mouth.This becomes latent but resolves spontaneously in 4 to 6 weeks.Most women don't notice it.Stage 2 (from around the end of stage 1) - Red spots appear sparsely on the skin all over the body.- Papules (bumps that rise from the skin) and hair loss on the back of the head are seen.・There is no itching or pain, and if left untreated, the symptoms will disappear on their own in 2 to 6 weeks.At the end of the second incubation period, the disease enters an asymptomatic incubation period that lasts from several weeks to several years.At this stage, it can only be diagnosed through blood tests.Of these, a few 2% progress to the later stage.Late stage (approximately 10 years after infection) Lesions called rubber tumors (hard lumps or bumps that form, destroy surrounding tissue, and leave scars after healing) occur on the skin and internal organs.-Arthritis and loss of sensation in the limbs.・Damage occurs in the heart, blood vessels, brain, etc., making it impossible to carry out daily activities.
Treatment of syphilis
●Administration of antibiotics As a general rule, intravenous drips are not used, and treatment is limited to oral medications.Early syphilis is easily treatable.You may develop a fever of around 38 degrees during the initial period of drug administration.Even if symptoms disappear, there is a risk of recurrence, so treatment is continued until the pathogen is gone. (1-2 months)
It is the most common sexually transmitted disease.Women often have no symptoms, and it can cause infertility in both men and women.The incubation period is 1 to 3 weeks.Mild urethral pain/discomfort/discharge from the urethra. [Men] - Approximately half have difficulty urinating and pain when urinating.- Cream-like pus comes out from the urethral opening, which starts out thin and gradually becomes thicker.- May cause prostatitis and epididymitis. [Women] - Approximately 2% of patients experience increased vaginal discharge and lower abdominal pain.・Symptoms are extremely mild, with only 5 in 1 infected people developing symptoms.-As the disease progresses, inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes progresses, which can lead to infertility.
Chlamydia treatment
Treatment is completed with one administration.Oral antibiotics are used as the first choice drug.A chlamydia recurrence test is performed one week after taking the medication, and if it is negative, the patient is considered to have been completely cured.
Azalea Condyloma
The main causative viruses are HPV types 6 and 11.Bumps on the glans and foreskin.It is caused by a virus and is gradually increasing.Treat with antiviral ointment.There is no pain or itching.It can be passed on to other people, so it needs to be treated immediately.
There is an incubation period of about 1 to 2 months, and sharp "warts" form on the foreskin and glans.There are no noticeable symptoms, pain, or itching, and warts form and proliferate one after another in a short period of time, often recurring.This is also caused by the fact that the glans is not exposed in many people with phimosis.In rare cases, the virus can be transmitted from saunas and public baths.Even if infected, autoimmune forces may heal the disease naturally in about a year.The incubation period can be long, ranging from 1 to 1 months, and the source of infection may be unknown.
Some patients develop warts around the glans and are asked if they have warts, but most of them are called Fordyce or pearly penile papules and are not a disease.Fordyce is a spherical wart that is approximately less than 1 mm in size and develops from the penis to the glans constriction, and is an independent sebaceous gland.It is a physiological change that occurs in 65% of adult men and is not related to the virus.Pearl-like penile papules are a condition in which a number of uniformly sized bumps are lined up along the edge of the penis (the so-called bulge on the glans penis).It is a completely harmless physiological change that occurs in 20% of adult men.Foredice is not harmful, but its appearance is bothersome, so it is often treated.Because it is not a disease, it is not covered by insurance, and the average treatment cost is 2 to 8 yen.Even if it looks more like Fordyce or pearly penile papules than warts acuminata, a diagnosis by a specialist is required.Vestibular papillae, which are fold-like or papillary growths at the entrance to a woman's vagina and its surroundings (vaginal vestibule), are sometimes misdiagnosed as genital warts, but these are normal changes that are also called "fairy folds." .Differential points include the fact that it occurs symmetrically on the inside of the labia minora, the nipples are regular, and no blood vessels are visible inside.
In general, genital warts primarily infect the mucosal epithelium, so there are no special tests, but general tests for sexually transmitted diseases are recommended as it can also be associated with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases. [Men] -Many warts occur on the glans penis, coronal groove, inner and outer foreskin, and scrotum. [Women] - Many warts occur on the labia major and minor, vaginal vestibule, perineum, vagina, and utero-vaginal area.
・Drug treatment・Surgery・Liquid nitrogen cryosurgery・Electrocautery excision surgery・Laser beam ablation surgery There is a risk of infecting your partner, and the symptoms often last for a long time with repeated recurrence and waxing and waning, so be sure to receive treatment. It's better.Until now, cryotherapy, surgical excision, and vaporization treatments were the main treatments, but it is now possible to treat it with topical medications.It is a drug that activates the immune system to treat the virus.It suppresses virus proliferation by promoting the production of cytokines, and has a cytotoxic effect against virus infection by activating cellular immune responses.It takes advantage of the patient's own defense mechanism against virus infection. It is thought to cause the lesions to disappear.Although it takes more than a month to heal, it is an effective method.If treated properly, the recurrence rate is low.
Genital herpes
It is caused by the herpes virus, and the first infection may cause fever.Women are more likely to become seriously ill and require prompt treatment.Men develop small blisters on their penis that become ulcer-like, but they will not be effective unless they are taken orally immediately after the onset.
・Red bumps, blisters, or ulcers (skin sores) appear on the genitals.・When you first become infected, you are often accompanied by severe pain and fever.- In the case of recurrence, the symptoms are often mild, such as small blisters or ulcers.
There are three main antiviral drugs to treat symptoms of genital herpes.Preventive treatment with oral and topical medications is also possible.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B infection routes include sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, and mother-to-child transmission.The infection rate through sexual intercourse is said to be higher than that of the AIDS virus. Hepatitis B is commonly found in Asia and Africa, so there are many cases of people being infected overseas and bringing it back to their country.There may not be any obvious symptoms, but a blood test can reveal the details of the infection.
- Along with fatigue and fatigue, you may also experience insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, slight fever, diarrhea, etc.-Feeling a dull pain around the liver.・As the symptoms progress, it may lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, so be careful.
Hepatitis C
The infection is caused by the hepatitis C virus.It is mainly transmitted through blood contact, but it can also be transmitted through contact with mucous membranes, such as during sexual intercourse.It is not as contagious as hepatitis B.There are often no symptoms, so you won't know if you're infected unless you get tested.
General malaise, slight fever, loss of appetite, jaundice, dark urine.
Hair lice
Hair lice prefer apocrine sweat glands and live in the pubic hair area. They feed on blood several times a day and lay 1 to 1 eggs a day.Eggs are laid in the pubic hair and are observed as white dots.Adults die if they cannot feed for 2 hours, but eggs remain viable for 3 days.Hair lice, which live on the hairline, suck blood, causing intense itching and blood spots on underwear.
Itching in areas infested with hair lice.
Shaving the hair at the infected area.They will need to be shaved repeatedly to match the egg hatching cycle.The incubation period for lice eggs is around one week, so repeat the process 1 to 3 times every 4 to 3 days.
AIDS is an abbreviation for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.When infected with the AIDS virus (HIV), the immune system in the body is destroyed, so even weak pathogens such as mold, bacteria, and viruses can cause illness. HIV can also cause encephalitis-like symptoms.Because the immune system is weakened, children become ill because they are unable to suppress the symptoms caused by weak pathogens that they were unknowingly infected with as children. HIV is present in the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk of infected people.Blood-borne infections are transmitted through blood transfusions and sharing of syringes, and infections through semen and vaginal secretions are transmitted through sexual intercourse. HIV is also present in urine and saliva, but the amount is so small that it is not contagious. The transmission route for HIV is limited, so if you understand how you can become infected and take precautions, you will not infect others in your daily life.
・In the early stages of infection, symptoms similar to a cold may appear, but in many cases there are no symptoms for a long period of time (on average, about 10 years).・You won't know if you're infected unless you get tested.- After a period of asymptomatic conditions, symptoms such as rapid weight loss, severe night sweats, and diarrhea may appear.・As the disease progresses, the immune system weakens, leading to infections and malignant tumors that would not occur when healthy.
Candida vaginitis is caused by fungal growth.It is a disease caused by Candida albicans (fungus/mold), which everyone has, multiplying in the vagina.Since it lives in the intestines, it is mixed in with the stool, and bacteria often adhere to it from there.It is said that about 1% of people have Candida bacteria in their vagina.When you are healthy, you will not develop symptoms even if you are infected with bacteria, but if your body's immune system is weakened due to fatigue or pregnancy, or if you have diabetes or take antibiotics for a long period of time, you are more likely to get infected.It tends to develop when the body changes, such as when the seasons change, when antibiotics are being taken, when one's physical condition is poor, or when one's immune system is weakened, and it is accompanied by itching in the vulva.It can also be transmitted through sexual activity.
・White cottage cheese-like crumbly discharge.-Inflammation and strong itching.- As the symptoms progress, a large amount of discharge may come out from the vagina, and the vulva may become red and itchy. [Women] Vaginal tablets, ointments, creams, and oral tablets are prescribed as therapeutic drugs.Treatment continues for about a week, and if the effect is not sufficient, additional treatment is performed or tests are performed to check for another cause. [Men] Keep your genitals clean and apply ointment or cream.Men are less likely to get yeast infections, but phimosis increases the chance of infection.If the symptoms occur repeatedly, they can be improved by circumcision surgery.
Although it is transmitted through normal sexual intercourse, Trichomonas is very susceptible to dryness and remains infectious for a long time in water, so it is known to be transmitted on toilet seats and baths.
Incubation period

It is said that the incubation period for trichomoniasis infection is about 3 days at the earliest, 1 month at the latest, and about 10 days on average.If there are no symptoms, the incubation period may not be clearly determined.It is highly contagious and can be transmitted through a single sexual encounter.It is said that about 20-50% of women are asymptomatically infected, but the incubation period varies, with one-third of them showing symptoms within six months.If you are infected with Trichomonas protozoa, you can spread it to your partner through sexual activity, even if you have no symptoms.It has become clear that the increase in vaginal trichomoniasis, especially among young women, is due to sexual activity during the incubation period.Because it is highly contagious, you can become infected by sharing the same bath, towel, or toilet with an infected person during the incubation period.

・Most cases are asymptomatic, and even if symptoms are present, they are only mild and cause some discomfort when urinating.

・White or yellow foamy or foul-smelling discharge containing pus.
- Strong itching in the vulva.
・You may experience pain when urinating or having intercourse.
・When it gets worse, the vulva becomes red and sore.


・Oral medicines will be prescribed.

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