Autonomic nerve function test
Autonomic nerve function test
Free medical treatment (not covered by insurance)
Nervous system governing human life activity
The autonomic nervous system is a nervous system that controls life activities.It responds to stimuli and information regardless of one's own will, controls bodily functions, and adapts to the situation. It operates automatically according to information and stimuli.
The role of the autonomic nervous system is to adjust systems such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion and absorption, excretion, reproduction, and endocrine, and to maintain the internal circulation necessary to sustain life.
The autonomic nervous system is made up of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, which work in opposition to each other, and work in opposition to each other to regulate the entire body.
This software enables scientific analysis (heart rate variability analysis) to graphically display the status and understand the functional status of the autonomic nervous system.
We use a heart rate variability analysis system to accurately evaluate autonomic nervous function.It is also possible to understand the effects of aromatherapy, which until now was difficult to scientifically evaluate.We also utilize biofeedback training in breathing techniques.
This system was originally developed by a Russian scientist and used for space exploration, and after the collapse of Russia, a Russian scientist who moved to the United States launched a technology and clinical research partnership with Biocom, a venture company. and develop the system clinically.
The role of the autonomic nervous system is to adjust systems such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion and absorption, excretion, reproduction, and endocrine, and to maintain the internal circulation necessary to sustain life.
The autonomic nervous system is made up of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, which work in opposition to each other, and work in opposition to each other to regulate the entire body.
This software enables scientific analysis (heart rate variability analysis) to graphically display the status and understand the functional status of the autonomic nervous system.
We use a heart rate variability analysis system to accurately evaluate autonomic nervous function.It is also possible to understand the effects of aromatherapy, which until now was difficult to scientifically evaluate.We also utilize biofeedback training in breathing techniques.
This system was originally developed by a Russian scientist and used for space exploration, and after the collapse of Russia, a Russian scientist who moved to the United States launched a technology and clinical research partnership with Biocom, a venture company. and develop the system clinically.
"Heart Rhythm Scanner""Inner Balance Scanner"The "Heart Tracker" system examines the functional level of the autonomic nervous system using RSA.
Inspection time |
About 5 minutes |
Autonomic nerve measurement
What you can understand by measuring
Attach a sensor to your ear5 minuteto measure the state of the autonomic nervous system.
The result of the inspection is displayed as a graphic on the computer screen.
The horizontal axis represents sympathetic nerve function, and the vertical axis represents parasympathetic nerve function level. The center area is normal, and the sympathetic nerve function is higher when the circle indicating the test result is on the right, and the parasympathetic nerve function is higher as it is higher. When you become a top athlete, ideally you have a high level of sympathetic function and parasympathetic function.
On the other hand, when parasympathetic nerve function declines, immune function declines and it is easy to get cold. It is in a state where it goes down immediately due to overwork.
The horizontal axis represents sympathetic nerve function, and the vertical axis represents parasympathetic nerve function level. The center area is normal, and the sympathetic nerve function is higher when the circle indicating the test result is on the right, and the parasympathetic nerve function is higher as it is higher. When you become a top athlete, ideally you have a high level of sympathetic function and parasympathetic function.
On the other hand, when parasympathetic nerve function declines, immune function declines and it is easy to get cold. It is in a state where it goes down immediately due to overwork.
Autonomic nervous function in athletes
Athletes improve their autonomic nervous function, which controls their muscles and their bodies, and this is reflected in their performance during games.
Racers who compete for long periods of time under extreme stress are subjected to unimaginable amounts of G (gravity) on their bodies.The autonomic nervous system controls the brain so that one side of the brain does not become ischemic even if lateral G is applied.
Racers who compete for long periods of time under extreme stress are subjected to unimaginable amounts of G (gravity) on their bodies.The autonomic nervous system controls the brain so that one side of the brain does not become ischemic even if lateral G is applied.
Autonomic nerve function test | 30,000 33,000 * Includes counseling and instruction fees |
*The test is a free medical treatment (not covered by insurance).