
[Lung life] color special feature in golf magazine ALBA

Reading Time: <1 minuteCurrently, in the Department of Hospital Management at Juntendo University School of Medicine, we are conducting research on the human software of the autonomic and vagus nerves with Professor Hiroyuki Kobayashi.Lung activity, which activates the vagus nerve, has been a hot topic recently.It is becoming popular in many healthcare fields, and it has been confirmed that remarkable results have been obtained in the golf world as well, dramatically improving the performance of golfers. [Lung life] stimulates and activates not only the respiratory function but also the vagus nerve, which is the most important nerve in humans.By taking deep breaths along with exercise, your heart rate will fluctuate and your vagus nerve will be activated.Not only does it improve the movement of his ribcage, but it also increases the amount of ventilation he takes in each time, which increases the amount of oxygen he takes in and helps improve blood flow.It can be expected in the health field, but it is also so effective that it will dramatically change the training, conditioning, and care methods of athletes.I am confident that lung activity will definitely change the world of sports.Evidence-based health methods, training, care, and conditioning are now in demand. [Lung Life], developed by a team of specialists at a university medical school, can be said to be a next-generation health and training method that matches the times.Please pay attention. ALBA also introduces specific exercises for XNUMX steps.Please take a look!

daily exercise

Reading Time: <1 minuteIn addition to aesthetic medicine, we receive many media interviews about autonomic nerves, training, and exercise.Now that I am an elderly person, I am practicing autonomic nervous exercises every day as an easy way to maintain my youthful physical abilities.We have been able to instruct autonomic nervous exercises to top athletes and have achieved remarkable results, but elderly people can also use autonomic nervous exercises easily and safely anytime, anywhere without any burden or strain. It can be done.It is widely known that controlling the autonomic nervous system can improve many ailments such as insomnia, constipation, stress, lower back pain, stiff shoulders, and headaches.The effects can be doubled by doing autonomic nervous exercises along with breathing techniques.If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Nagoya, cosmetic surgery, armpit ga treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, small plastic surgery, mole removal, scar treatment, wrinkle and sagging treatment, please contact He Hasakae Clinic.

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