
Human Techno Co., Ltd.

Reading Time: <1 minuteLast year, I started my own business, Human Techno Co., Ltd.Human Techno Co., Ltd. (human-techno.jp) is the culmination of my more than 25 years as a researcher, and the human operating system, the autonomic nervous system, is particularly attracting attention from all over the world. We are a corporation that conducts business related to updating the vagus nerve, that is, next-generation healthcare business. Microsoft is a personal computer OS Human Techno Co., Ltd. is a human OS aimed at his Microsoft in the healthcare field. The vagus nerve activation business will be useful not only in healthcare, but also in all fields involving humans, including femtech, sports, mental health, eSports, nursing care, and education. If we can activate the vagus nerve, which has a huge impact on not only our physical abilities but also our minds, there are endless business possibilities. Up until now, the importance of the vagus nerve has been little understood and has not received much attention, but a paper published in The Lancet last year found that vagus nerve damage is the main cause of the after-effects of the new coronavirus, and it caused a huge shock and reaction all over the world! The vagus nerve market is attracting a lot of attention! Nowadays, neuromodulation is commonplace in healthcare in countries other than Japan.


Since 2020, the number of papers has increased exponentially, and the vagus nerve stimulation market has become lively. At the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Medicine, of which I serve as a director, vagus nerve stimulation therapy, which is a form of neuromodulation, is attracting attention. A fusion of cutting-edge technology and medicine. We will utilize the experience of cosmetic surgeons and autonomic nervous system researchers to realize healthcare that has social significance. Evidence-based healthcare is a matter of course, but it is essential for next-generation healthcare.      

Preventing the new coronavirus with Chinese medicine 

Reading Time: <1 minuteWhile the Omicron strain is rampant, it is definitely impossible to avoid the new coronavirus infection even if you are vaccinated.Although the risk of becoming seriously ill has decreased, if you become infected, it could spread the infection to the isolation facility, your family, and the surrounding area, and cause a cluster, so we want to avoid infection at all costs. https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/95e6225539e710336181db3d3ccca6360e971833 There was an article stating that Jingkurenkeito prevents new coronavirus infection.Although there is no evidence (no double-blind trials have been conducted on patients with the new coronavirus), it is assumed that there is a high possibility that it is effective.Traditionally, Chinese herbal medicine can be expected to have the effect of increasing the body's immunity and alleviating many symptoms, rather than the symptomatic treatment of western medicine, which is analgesic and antipyretic. “Jikakurenkeito is a Japanese herbal medicine that suppresses inflammation of the upper respiratory tract such as the conjunctiva, nasal cavity, and trachea, as well as the skin, and is a Japanese herbal medicine that was discovered in the Meiji era. It is more likely to proliferate in the upper respiratory tract, such as the nose and throat, than in the lower respiratory tract.We believe that Keikakurenkeito can be expected to be even more effective for Omicron strains,'' the doctor commented.As a preventive medicine, take one packet once a day after returning home or before going to bed.If you feel you may have had close contact during the day, you may take an additional packet during the day.If there is a possibility of infection and symptoms appear, we recommend taking Keikakurenkeito three times a day for 1 days.The strongest countermeasure → KeiganrengyotoIt improves nasal congestion and inflammation of the tonsils, and prevents viruses from entering cells.However, not only the new coronavirus infection but most bacteria and viruses invade through the pharynx (throat), and in the early stages of the disease, when inflammation occurs in the mucous membranes due to this invasion, maoto, kakkonto, maoto, maoto, etc. Ephedra agents such as Fuzisaishinto are effective.Maoto is thought to resist viruses by suppressing inflammation of the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and increasing the body's defenses.Therefore, the Omicron strain proliferates 70 times faster in the bronchial tubes than the Delta strain, so these herbal medicines may be a preventive measure.Usually, Jingkuliankantang, Kamostat https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/news/p1/21/10/26/08757/If you have a slight fever, we recommend that you take maoto immediately. So, when I enter a place where I can't avoid contact with a large number of unspecified people, such as when I'm in a crowd or going out to eat, I always take precautions. Jingkulianyanyu + CamostatI am taking it. *Maoto can be expected to have a dramatic effect on fever and sore throat, so it is recommended that you always have it on hand.However, if you do not normally have physical strength or have high blood pressure, please be sure to consult your doctor before use. https://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I030473668-00 Based on these reports, I would consider taking Jingkurenkeito as a self-defense measure to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.There are some doctors who recommend camostat as a preventive drug, so I would like to introduce it to you.but https://www.mixonline.jp/tabid55.html?artid=71280 The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare does not recommend camostat as a treatment for infectious diseases because phase III trials did not yield effective results.However, these are not experimental results verifying the effectiveness of camostat as a preventive drug.
Camostat (Huoipan) to prevent new coronavirus infections
However, it is important to improve your immune system and respiratory function, so we recommend lung activation.     For cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, armpit treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, petite plastic surgery, hokuro removal, scar treatment, wrinkle, and sagging treatment in Nagoya, please contact Sakae Clinic.

Autonomic nerve stretch

Reading Time: <1 minute With the new corona virus, attention is focused on immunity and respiratory function.The autonomic nervous system that controls all of this plays the most important role in health.I have been studying with Professor Hiroyuki Kobayashi of Juntendo University School of Medicine for more than XNUMX years on the theme of autonomic nerves.I have supervised and co-authored many of Professor Hiroyuki Kobayashi's books so that this content can be easily understood and practiced easily by the general public as stretching and exercise.Unlike conventional static stretches, autonomic nerve stretches are not stretches that have an adverse effect on the body or lack evidence, so children and the elderly can practice with confidence.I am XNUMX years old every day, and I am practicing it.I would like many people to put it into practice.For cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, armpit treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, petite plastic surgery, hokuro removal, scar treatment, wrinkle, and sagging treatment in Nagoya, please contact Sakae Clinic.

Lung life has been made into a manga in Weekly Women!

Reading Time: <1 minute In the issue released on March XNUMXth, XNUMX pages of Lung Life will be introduced in Kanatsu Kumi's manga series.This is a manga with a theme for women who want to regain their beauty and health.Lung exercise is her best exercise for both beauty and health.It is attracting more and more attention due to the new coronavirus pandemic.It is an exercise that you can do with confidence, as there is solid evidence to improve autonomic nervous function.The day before yesterday, we had a meeting in Tokyo.For cosmetic surgery in Nagoya, cosmetic surgery, armpit ga treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, small plastic surgery, mole removal, scar treatment, wrinkle and sagging treatment, please contact Kanoha Sakae Clinic.

Lung life

Reading Time: <1 minuteRespiratory function is attracting attention during the coronavirus pandemic.The book on Lung Life, which I supervised in March of this year, has been attracting a lot of attention.Showa era → brain activity Heisei → intestinal activity Reiwa → lung activity  

Infection prevention measures

Reading Time: <1 minuteAt the clinic, we are taking maximum measures to prevent new coronavirus infections.For this reason, we may have to limit reservations for medical treatments, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. COVID 19 In order to thoroughly avoid the three C's in preventing infectious diseases ・Complete reservation system ・Avoid contact between patients as much as possible by making reservations for XNUMX-XNUMX people per hour ・Disinfection before entering the facility ・Facility - Frequently disinfecting doorknobs, chairs, desks, office pens, boards, etc. - Wearing a mask when not undergoing medical treatment or treatment - UV disinfection of slippers - Regular air changes to improve ventilation - We are working to ensure the safety of patients by providing ventilation not only with air conditioners but also with fans. The other day, there was a case where a woman suddenly entered the clinic with her shoes on without being disinfected.In such cases, we will require reservations only, and we will limit medical treatment to avoid contact with other people. there is.I was very confused because I did not follow the requests and instructions of the staff, did not understand the reservation system and the details of the treatment, and entered the facility without permission. Even in such sudden cases, our hospital will immediately take strict measures to ensure the safety and security of patients who have made reservations and come to our hospital.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.・

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