
Vagus nerve stimulation therapy Mimicare and exosome therapy comparison

Reading Time: <1 minute Exosome drip therapy has a high possibility of effectiveness, but there is currently no evidence. Many reagents are sold and administered through infusions at various medical institutions, but these are experimental treatments without confirming their effectiveness, examining their contents, or creating protocols. Just because the reagent is administered under the responsibility of the doctor does not guarantee safety or effectiveness. There are some cosmetic surgery clinics that are profit-driven and try to attract patients with flashy advertising, but I don't think the doctors administering the drugs have any specialized knowledge. It is still moral and common sense for doctors to administer drugs carefully. There are risks as the possibility of promoting carcinogenesis and oxidation of the body due to the administration of inflammatory cytokines cannot be completely ruled out. Exactly the same effect can be achieved with vagus nerve stimulation therapy. Unlike exosome infusion, this is an extremely important treatment method that has no risks, is simple, inexpensive, and has evidence, and is being used all over the world. There are many papers, and the possibility and effectiveness are autism depression Improvement of paralysis after cerebral infarction dementia Improved concentration parkinson's disease rheumatoid arthritis chronic fatigue syndrome crohn's disease Aftereffects of new coronavirus infection It is expected to be effective for all kinds of diseases. Medical institutions do not use it as a treatment because it is not profitable, but it is already popular as neuromodulation around the world. Our hospital is working with multiple companies to develop these techniques and devices.

Vagus nerve stimulation therapy Mimicare

Reading Time: <1 minuteAt our hospital, we are the onlyVagus nerve stimulation therapyで mimi care(auricular stimulation therapy). This year, we will be implementing his MimiCare, which is vagus nerve stimulation therapy, in full swing into our medical practice. There is evidence that the therapist performs various physical stimulations on the vagus nerve area in the auricle, which stimulates the vagus nerve, has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases brain plasticity, improves immunity, and improves autonomic nerve function. His health care method is excellent. Overseas, he is already known as TVNS and many devices are also sold. It can be said to be a superior care method because it is more effective than the exosome drip, which is currently a hot topic, and above all, there is evidence, there is no risk, and it is inexpensive. We will introduce Mimicare, a vagus nerve stimulation therapy, from time to time.    

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