Infection prevention measures for staff and doctors at home, etc.
We are working to manage our health by instructing patients to practice thorough cough etiquette and washing their hands, and by constantly checking their body temperature and paying close attention to their health conditions.We are fully aware of our role as medical professionals, and we are instructing you to refrain from going out unless necessary and non-urgent, and when you must travel, please be sure to wear a mask and avoid using public transportation as much as possible.We instruct our employees to wash their hands and disinfect their hands with rubbing alcohol after returning home.・If a staff member or a member of their family develops a fever or respiratory symptoms, they are required to report to the hospital director and stay at home.If the staff member visits a medical institution, they are asked to visit the medical institution they are recommended to visit. I am giving instructions.We will deepen our knowledge of new coronavirus countermeasures and take all possible measures to prevent infection within the hospital so that our patients can receive treatment with peace of mind.Reading Time: <1 minuteWe are implementing maximum hygiene management so that patients who visit our hospital can receive treatment with peace of mind.
Ⅰ. In addition to standard precautions, we use disposable gloves during all treatments to prevent contact infection and droplet infection. Ⅱ. Examination rooms and counseling rooms are private rooms, but they are thoroughly disinfected and ventilated while respecting privacy. Ⅲ. We currently do not perform any examinations, treatment procedures, or procedures in the oral cavity, nasal cavity, or trachea that may generate aerosols at the clinic. Ⅳ. Patient movement is limited to medically necessary purposes. Ⅴ. Areas that may be touched by patients are frequently disinfected using rubbing alcohol. (At our hospital, we keep our doors open as much as possible as we are able to provide private services.) Ⅵ. We require a complete reservation system, and as much as possible we will try to avoid making multiple reservations for multiple patients at the same time. We are taking measures to avoid contact with other patients in the hospital as much as possible. Ⅶ. We encourage patients with a fever of 37.5℃ or higher and health problems such as cough, sore throat, or taste abnormalities to refrain from visiting the hospital, and we ask them to make reservations in order to reduce the risk of in-hospital infection as much as possible. Thank you for your understanding. Ⅷ. We have installed a non-contact thermometer at the reception desk, allowing patients to instantly measure their body temperature without using a thermometer. (There is no need to use a thermometer that has been used by another patient.) Ⅸ. We have installed a humidifier and air purifier at the reception desk in an effort to eliminate viruses.
Ⅹ. We also provide preventive treatments such as high-concentration vitamin C infusion, hydrogen inhalation, and immunity-enhancing cocktail infusion that may be effective in preventing new-type coronavirus infection.
* Staff (receptionists, nurses) also adhere to strict infectious disease prevention measures.
・When using a mask, we conduct a fit test beforehand, check the seal when wearing it, familiarize ourselves with the procedures for taking off the mask and gloves, and take care not to contaminate the environment with contaminated medical materials.- Avoid touching your eyes or face without practicing hand hygiene.・All disposable products are used for gloves, drape equipment, and covering materials for the patient environment, and after use, they are sealed and disposed of in a dedicated infectious waste container.