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Terror made in China beauty medical material

There is a wrinkle treatment drug called BTXA that is made in China and can be called Botox.Because it contains pig collagen (gelatin), allergic reactions are relatively common.Moreover, it is said that Chinese products contain large amounts of impurities due to flaws in production technology.Of course, it has not been approved by the FDA.There are also quality control issues, with units per vial varying by a factor of up to 4 or more.In other words, you may be receiving an injection that is 5 times the prescribed amount without you even realizing it. Due to the nature of BotulinumToxin TypeA, when a large amount of ingredients are injected at one time, antibody production occurs (immunity against the ingredients), and then treatment with BotulinumToxin TypeA becomes ineffective for the rest of your life.It is an inferior product that is repeatedly approached by medical institutions when dealers can purchase it at a low price.It is an inferior product that is sold to cosmetic surgery and cosmetic dermatology clinics by unscrupulous traders because it can be purchased at a price that is XNUMX/XNUMX to XNUMX/XNUMX of Allergan's Botox.Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people complaining that this drug was used at other medical institutions and had no therapeutic effect at all.Many patients at our clinic have been injected with Botox made in China and have come to re-treatment because they can not feel the effect at all.It is naturally used by major cosmetic surgery clinics that perform Botox at a discount.A large amount of Botox due to armpit gait and hyperhidrosis?Always check the name of the drug.This is an act that should not be allowed and degrades the quality of aesthetic medicine.Isn't this problem even more serious than the food problem, just because it's not brought to the surface?In the treatment of wrinkles and hyperhidrosis, there is a possibility that medical materials mixed with impurities made in China may be injected without knowing it, and it may even be life-threatening.It is no exaggeration to say that the safety of these drugs is questionable, or rather that they are inferior drugs made solely for profit.Botox is a simple procedure called an injection, and there are relatively few side effects, so many patients do not pay attention to the drug, but please discuss the drug with your doctor.Money-driven clinics will never spend time discussing specific drugs or treatments.In recent years, beauty medicine has come to require quality.Not only major cosmetic surgery chains, but also dermatologists, internists, and obstetricians with little knowledge of cosmetic medicine are suddenly attracting patients as cosmetic dermatologists using Botox made in China at low prices. There are also cases.I had to protect myself.Discounted, low-quality medical care.I am afraid that it will hinder the development of aesthetic medicine.