Reading Time: <1 minute There has been a major change in the treatment of armpit bugs to one that does not use a scalpel.What is the reality of armpit pain treatment that can be done easily and with no downtime?Unlike surgery, it is an easy procedure, so there are many cosmetic surgery clinics where nurses are in charge of armpit pain treatment.I keep seeing advertisements that emphasize the benefits of next-generation, pain-free, pain-free armpit pain treatments that require no scalpel or downtime.This manga summarizes the possible risks and complications of her non-scalpel-based armpit pain treatment using microneedles.If you are a patient who would like to receive treatment for underarm pain, please take a look and carefully consider treatment options.If you are looking for cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, petit plastic surgery, armpit pain treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, or diet in Nagoya, please contact her Sakae Clinic.