Reading Time: <1 minuteThis is a scar caused by a treatment device called ViewHot, which treats armpit blemishes and hyperhidrosis.This is a scar on a patient who has been treated for armpit blemishes for more than XNUMX months after using microneedle high frequency treatment.A needle is randomly inserted into the underarm skin and high frequency waves are applied to generate heat, which can cause severe inflammation.This is a condition where there is an extremely high possibility that ugly, white, bumpy, wart-like burn scars will remain even if the redness has completely healed.Treating these types of scars can be difficult.We begin with treatment to eliminate redness and proceed with treatment to prevent scarring.If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Nagoya, cosmetic surgery, armpit ga treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, small plastic surgery, mole removal, scar treatment, wrinkle and sagging treatment, please contact He Hasakae Clinic.