2021/ 12/ 25

Advanced Medical Science Sports Academy AMWA Study Group

Reading Time: <1 minuteThe other day, an AMWA event was held in Tokyo exclusively for directors and related parties. https://www.amwa.jp/ The Advanced Medical Science Wellness Academy Study Group was held.Due to the new coronavirus pandemic, strict infectious disease prevention measures were implemented (participants were limited to those who had taken two doses of the new coronavirus vaccine).Representative director Kenji Shimomura, professor at Fukushima Medical University, gave a research presentation and lecture on diet, and I gave a lecture and research presentation on the next generation health method, Lung Life.The common issue is how to convey incorrect health information as accurate information. I am very concerned about the reality in Japan, where his diet using GLP-1 diet injections is being overpromoted by cosmetic surgeons and beauty clinics, and he is being prescribed only online, without blood tests or medical examinations, and only for profit. I'm here. AMWA has also confirmed the need to conduct awareness-raising activities regarding these risks and issues.If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Nagoya, cosmetic surgery, armpit ga treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, small plastic surgery, mole removal, scar treatment, wrinkle and sagging treatment, please contact He Hasakae Clinic.
2021/ 12/ 22

Cosmetic surgery darkness diet supplement

Reading Time: <1 minute   I am currently teaching a lecture on alternative medicine and ethics at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine.With regard to supplements, we are flooded with information and the benefits are being promoted one-sidedly, so every year we talk about the risks of taking supplements in our lectures.Be careful with overseas supplements, as even if they are called supplements, they may contain the same ingredients as pharmaceutical products.It is well known that there was a case in which a person who purchased Chinese-made diet supplements online died.When it comes to imported products from overseas, you need to be especially careful as the ingredients may not be as listed.I think it's safer to never touch diet supplements.    
2021/ 12/ 06

The darkness of diet injections

Reading Time: <1 minute You can lose weight easily!He was prescribed a diet injection called GLP1 online with the slogan, and I have been disseminating information on my blog about the problem.Unfortunately, dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons who are neither diabetes specialists nor diet specialists strongly recommend diet injections.Even in Nagoya, a dermatologist with no experience in obesity treatment or diabetes treatment has been advertised extensively and seems to be selling diet injections, but I'm worried that big trouble will occur.Originally, diabetes medication was used as a diet.Despite the fact that the effectiveness and safety of dieting for Japanese people has not yet been confirmed... After viewing this manga, the image of a man who can lose weight easily makes her want to go on a diet.So that patients do not rely on injections. I hope.For cosmetic surgery in Nagoya, cosmetic surgery, armpit ga treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, small plastic surgery, mole removal, scar treatment, wrinkle and sagging treatment, please contact Kanoha Sakae Clinic.
2021/ 11/ 28

Risks of diet injection GLP-1

Reading Time: <1 minutehttps://www.amwa.jp/ At the Advanced Medical Science Wellness Academy, where I serve as vice representative director, we are absolutely against the GLP-1 diet, which is being promoted at beauty clinics by exaggerating its dieting effects.You can easily lose weight at some cosmetic surgery and beauty clinics!safe and secure!The problem is that she promotes her with catchphrases that are far from medical care, such as not requiring a medical examination, only emphasizes the benefits of her diet injections, and runs a business that prioritizes profits over risks to patients.In fact, it is causing health damage, and many medical institutions are sounding the alarm about the current situation, where online prescriptions are used as a diet marketing method.The Japan Medical Association immediately issued a warning regarding the act as violating medical ethics.The Japan Diabetes Society also takes the opposite position... https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN6K6QPFN6KULBJ00L.html The National Consumer Affairs Center also issued a warning. http://www.kokusen.go.jp/news/data/n-20200903_1.html While many diabetes researchers and specialists are against it, doctors who have no experience or knowledge of treating diabetic patients are using the GLP-1 diet, which is for profit and only for the purpose of dieting, as an act that violates the risks and medical ethics. We will continue our awareness activities. https://www.jaam.or.jp/pdf/20200903_joint-statement.pdf Please note that some medical institutions do not comply with online medical treatment guidelines.  

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