Reading Time: <1 minute The inside story of unscrupulous cosmetic surgery clinics, which most people involved in the cosmetic medicine industry are familiar with, is increasingly being exposed. This clinic is famous for its 0 yen advertisements. They attract customers with ridiculously low prices, 0 yen, and then they hold the patients captive and force them to undergo rip-off treatments. Moreover, the examinations are not performed by a doctor, but by unlicensed counselors. It is hard to believe that legitimate medical care is being performed. Many patients come to our clinic after receiving treatment here and are left with terrible scars. I think that the doctors' skills are not at a level where they can perform cosmetic medicine. However, the dark side of cosmetic medicine is not limited to this unscrupulous cosmetic surgery clinic. Violations of the Medical Practitioners Act are rampant at other major cosmetic clinics and cosmetic surgery clinics. Nurse treatments. Nurses with no knowledge or skills perform cosmetic medical treatments. There are many illegal acts that are completely different from the original purpose of cosmetic medicine, which is to make patients happy, with the aim of increasing profits. What's particularly bad is that there are many cosmetic surgery clinics where nurses perform all procedures except for laser treatments and MiraDry surgery for underarm odor. There is a race of people called cosmetic nurses. I strongly disagree with this. A nurse's role is to assist and support doctors. They should not examine or treat on behalf of doctors. Nurses have no knowledge of dermatology, anatomy, physiology, wound medicine, etc. They perform procedures with so-called amateur level knowledge and experience. I think it's truly frightening. I strongly hope that the allegations in the Shukan Bunshun article will expose the dark side of cosmetic medicine and clean up the industry.