Reading Time: <1 minuteLast night was the first Pancrase lightweight champion, Noboru Samurai. had a training meeting and dinner.Two weeks before the last RIZIN Kobe tournament, during practice, I was knocked down by my sparring partner's shoulder and hit my chest, causing damage to my rib cartilage.The pain was so intense that I was restricted in my breathing, and my movement was greatly restricted.Generally, costal cartilage injuries take about four weeks to fully heal in a resting state, so I was unable to practice at all for two weeks before the match.I don't want to use an injury as an excuse for losing...It's natural for a fighter.However, due to his weight handicap, inability to practice, and chest pain, he was unable to perform at his usual level and his punching power was halved.In the previous match against Chihiro Suzuki, the effects of lung training were dramatically evident and he won easily, but this time his ribcage movement was ironically restricted due to costal cartilage damage.Thoracic movement is a really important point for fighters and athletes.As a doctor, I have doubts about the fact that Umi Asakura was able to go through with the match in the RIZIN bantamweight final the other day without a doctor's stoppage despite suffering from a broken bone.Although prioritizing the performance may be good in the moment, it is assumed that there will be disadvantages in the future. At XNUMX years old, Noboru Samurai's challenges still continue.I look forward to seeing you in good health and giving a great performance!   For cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, armpit treatment, hyperhidrosis treatment, petite plastic surgery, hokuro removal, scar treatment, wrinkle, and sagging treatment in Nagoya, please contact Sakae Clinic.