My research at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine is related to the autonomic nervous system. Recently, I have been focusing on research into the vagus nerve.vagus nerve] is the 10th cranial nerve and is the main source of parasympathetic activity.
Although it has not received much attention in Japan, the vagus nerve is attracting a great deal of attention around the world.
Last year, a paper was published stating that the main cause of COVID-19 aftereffects is vagus nerve disorder.Because I realized it was due to
Vagus Nerve Dysfunction in the Post-COVID-19 Condition
23 PagesPosted: 19 Jun 2023
Background: The post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) is a disabling syndrome affecting 5-15% of subjects who survive COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 mediated vagus nerve dysfunction could explain some of the PCC symptoms, including persistent dysphonia, dysphagia, dyspnea, dizziness, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, gastrointestinal disturbances or neurocognitive complaints.
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, Post-COVID-19 Condition, persistent symptoms, vagus nerve, autonomic dysfunction
The vagus nerve is the most important nerve in the human body. It controls every organ and system in the body.
Compared to a PC
Hard → Organs (heart, lungs, digestive system, kidneys, vocal cords, spleen, pharynx, etc.)
CPU → Brain
Software → Autonomic nervous system
OS → Vagus nerve
The vagus nerve is an important nerve that can be said to be at the core of all healthcare, but since there are very few researchers in Japan, most papers related to the vagus nerve are published overseas.
Approaching the vagus nerve goes beyond medical practice and has potential in a variety of fields.
Healthcare, fitness, education, eSports, nursing care, support for children with developmental disabilities, sports, femtech, military, space development... They are also indispensable in the field of cutting-edge medical technology. Together with Professor Kobayashi Hiroyuki of the Juntendo University School of Medicine, I have supervised the publication of a book on "Lung Activity" aimed at both the general public and athletes.
For children with developmental disabilities[Lung activity]The instruction has produced great results in improving children's concentration and emotional control.
Many top athletes visit our clinic for conditioning, and Kaito Kawabata, who has been selected to represent Japan in the 1600m relay at the Paris Olympics, is receiving vagus nerve stimulation therapy and lung activation treatments using laser irradiation of the vagus nerve area and hydrogen inhalation therapy at our clinic.
I believe that vagus nerve stimulation therapy has more evidence, efficacy, and potential than exercise, supplements, exosome therapy, nutritional therapy, or alternative medicine.Japanese Society of Aesthetic Internal Medicine As a director, I expect this therapy to be even more effective and have greater potential than regenerative medicine, and I will continue to give lectures on evidence-based vagus nerve stimulation therapy at various locations.
In the field of sports, we hold regular seminars and training sessions for top athletes, leaders, trainers, and therapists. We have also been training many Japanese Olympic athletes for many years.
Japan's leading manufacturer of design home appliances
Kado Co., Ltd.
Development of [Vagal Healer]
Lecture at.
Cutting-edge technology through medical and engineering collaboration!
The 1st General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Internal Medicine
As a director of the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Internal Medicine, I am scheduled to give a lecture on the vagus nerve.
[Lung activity] is a way to activate the vagus nerve.We have a long track record of success with evidence, logic, and exercises and treatments supervised by specialists.
Vagus nerve activation improves all kinds of diseasesThis will improve your health and physical abilities.
I have spent the last 10 years creating this site, Japan's largest portal site specializing in the autonomic nervous system. We provide information related to the autonomic nervous system and vagus nerve.