Reading Time: <1 minuteToday, we had a patient who came to our clinic for a follow-up treatment after MiraDry treatment because it had no effect at all. The advertisements say that it is less painful and extremely effective... Of all the treatments, any sensible doctor knows that MiraDry causes the most pain and swelling after treatment. As a specialist who has been treating body odor and hyperhidrosis for over 30 years, I can say with certainty that it is absolutely impossible for MiraDry treatment to cause less pain. Surgery may seem painful after surgery, but it is not. The pain is definitely much stronger after MiraDry treatment because MiraDry causes burns to the skin of the treatment area due to heat energy. The pain of a burn is much stronger than the pain of an incision and lasts for a long time. It is common knowledge in medicine that burns are painful. Some doctors who say that MiraDry treatment is less painful or painless leave all the treatment to the nurses and do not listen to the patient's complaints at all. I do not consider MiraDry to be suitable for children who are sensitive to pain. Severe swelling and pain may last for more than a week. The EL method does not cause severe pain or swelling, and there is no need for oral painkillers. MiraDry retreatment is performed on burn scars, so it is actually time-consuming and difficult. The skin itself has hardened due to burn scars, so local anesthesia is not easy. Local anesthesia for the armpits, which can be performed almost painlessly, does hurt to some extent. I always think, and patients also say, that I wish I had known about the EL method before undergoing MiraDry... I ended up experiencing a lot of pain with MiraDry treatment, having to pay a huge amount of money multiple times, and it was completely ineffective...without any explanation or examination from the doctor... It is unfortunate that there are medical institutions that attract customers by lying about even the downtime with exaggerated advertising. Dr. Suetake / Armpit Odor Specialist / Sakae Clinic (@wakiga.takansyou.suetake) | TikTok We also explain it on TikTok.