Reading Time: <1 minuteMore important in mole treatment is post-treatment care than removal.No matter how clean it is removed, if care for the scars after removal of the mole is inadequate or inappropriate, there is an increased risk of scars remaining after removal.Whether it is excised, removed with a carbon dioxide laser, or removed with a high-frequency evaporation method, scratches will always occur after removing the mole.Proper care of this wound is important as it will determine if you are satisfied or unsatisfied as a result of the final mole removal.Cleanly remove moles with a carbon dioxide laser! !!I've seen an advertisement saying, is that true?Can a laser remove it cleanly?That's a pretty overstated expression.Selectively remove and eliminate pigment cells.This is the ultimate mole removal secret.A flat mole with a pigment in the deep part of the dermis. A mole called melanocytic nevus is more difficult to completely remove and has a higher recurrence rate than a raised mole.Removing with a carbon dioxide laser means that heat is concentrated on the mole tissue and the heat energy is used to evaporate the mole tissue.Since the constituents of moles can be considered to be equivalent to those of living organisms, it is assumed that they are roughly composed of XNUMX% water and XNUMX% protein.When heat is applied to this tissue, the part of the skin that comes into contact with the heat naturally becomes a burn.If the burn is in the shallow part of the dermis, granulation does not occur and epithelialization occurs rapidly, leaving almost no scars and healing.The important point of care after removing moles is how quickly care is taken to promote this epithelialization.The latest wound healing theory recommends care with hydrocolloid dressing that does not dry the wound.Naturally, disinfection of the wound is contraindicated.It is better to clean the wound every day.At our hospital, after removing the mole, a medical wound dressing is applied to the wound after applying an antibiotic ointment.Leave it as it is for XNUMX days in this state.Assuming that epithelialization progresses, after XNUMX days, remove the wound dressing and wash the wound with a shower, and then apply the wound dressing for another XNUMX days.This first care becomes very important in the process of healing the wound.Unlike the face, scars on the back and upper limbs after removing moles are significantly delayed in healing.In particular, the lower limbs need a period of time to heal more than three times as much as the face and the redness disappears.The wound process differs depending on the part of the body.From experience, the specialist understands which part of the scar heals faster or slower and gives guidance on its care.
Mole scar care is important because it is a scar specialist.