Reading Time: <1 minuteThere are many patients who are troubled by the odor of the delicate zone. It is a disease called groin gas or groin wakiga. There is a genetic tendency, and many people with wakiga may have groin gas or groin wakiga. Sometimes, due to individual differences and the lower body, you may not be concerned about your own odor. However, in recent years, this treatment has been established and it is now possible to treat with no downtime and almost no pain. This treatment is the EL method, which inserts a special needle into the pores and destroys the sweat glands with high-frequency heat energy. You will be permanently free from odor problems. As for MiraDry, it is not only not suitable for use, but there are many cases where it has caused severe burns and severe pain for a long time, and it has been completely ineffective, so it is a treatment that we absolutely do not recommend. We receive many consultations from patients with odor in the delicate zone, and there are many patients who have come to our clinic regretting having had MiraDry. Never have MiraDry done on your delicate zone. Not only is it ineffective, but there is a very high possibility that you will suffer from burns and severe pain. Medical institutions that perform MiraDry on sensitive areas should be careful.