Reading Time: <1 minuteWe are also seeing an increase in consultations about breast odor (areola underarm odor). Odor from the chest... Most of the odor is from the areola, but there are many apocrine sweat glands in the flesh-colored skin around the areola, and treating this area is the key to reducing odor. MiraDry is advertised as a treatment device approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, but the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has only approved it for the treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis, that is, hyperhidrosis of the armpits, and has determined that it is ineffective for odor. The website also clearly states that it is ineffective against armpit odor, meaning that it is not suitable for use. Furthermore, its effectiveness has not been confirmed at all for breast odor (areola underarm odor), and there is a constant stream of patients who come to our clinic for consultations after undergoing MiraDry due to severe pain after surgery or ineffective treatment. The areola area is particularly sensitive and hypersensitive to pain, and if this area is burned after treatment with MiraDry, it will cause severe pain. This is a particularly large risk for nurses, and is a treatment that should never be performed. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has also denied its effectiveness, and currently, nurses are performing treatments on the areola, which is not an appropriate area and is considered a grey zone procedure. Many patients visit the clinic suffering from after-effects and problems caused by careless treatment by nurses. MiraDry treatment by nurses and MiraDry treatment on the areola are impossible medical procedures, so you should never undergo them. The EL method is definitely effective, has little downtime, and is performed by a specialist, so you can receive treatment with peace of mind. Considering the high risks, you cannot expect any effectiveness.